Monday, May 10, 2021


Hi I am Skye, year 6, from Lake Brunner School. 

Today we did topic. the and my group (5-6) did person smart there was a few cups full of water and we had to get them from where they were to a tray a little bit away from them using only one hand and one foot. The answer is quite simple but I cant tell you because there are other groups yet to try it. Group 3-4 did a number smart one and used some resources provided to make a bridge that could hold a small toy truck, and groups 1-2 did art smart and took photos of water. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

back to school!

 Hello, I am Skye Whetter, year 6 from lake brunner school.

Today is the 2nd day of term 2! Great to be back at school. In the holidays, me and my family tramped the Paparoa range track! one of NZ's greatest walks we started in blackball and came out in Punakaiki. Then we had fish chips for and dinner! In the last weekend of holidays, we went up to help out at MT Cheeseman ski feild  to get ready for the season. We got to stay in the lodge, and at one point a bunch of para gliders jumped of a steep point of the road and flew away with their parachutes! it looked cool and we voted on our favourite one. 

first aid training

 Yesterday the class went on a few local walks to do some first aid training and to have some fun of course! we were split Into groups and t...