Wednesday, December 8, 2021

first aid training

 Yesterday the class went on a few local walks to do some first aid training and to have some fun of course! we were split Into groups and there was one leader In each group. The leader had to fake an accident like my friend Kaelyn, she got lost In the bush and we found her on a bench with hypothermia (this was all acting of course) her group had to treat her just like she had hypothermia. The day before we had been reading our own booklets about first aid training together but we didn't know that we were going to have to be In a fake situation, so no one was prepared. Kaelyns group was not really sure what to do but they did most of what you would of had to like cover her in blankets or a jacket you have on you, but they forgot to hug Kaelyn. So If It was a real situation kaelyn would of died. Poor Kaelyn. My group had to treat a burn, wich was pretty easy because we were lighting fires by the lake, so we just told the leader to put her hands in the lake wich would of cooled the burn. We also made some shelters. We were split Into two groups and we had to make sure all of our group could fit under the shelter. plus It had to be water proof. The way they tested If It was waterproof was evil. They made the whole group sit inder our shelter wich was just a tarpolin held up with a bunch of sticks, take the force of a full bucket of water. Poor Mackenzie was soaked with water and the whole shelter fell down on top of us. After all the training we had toasted marshmallows on the fires we lit and made smores, yum! Then we headed back to school for home time. 

here are some photos!

lake brunner photo frame!

one groups shelter

Jimi's group helping with his broken arm

makeing smores by the fire, yum!!!

Friday, November 12, 2021

caption that!

 This friday we decided to turn boring class camp photos into funny mini comics, here are some of mine!

flynn is angry!
liz has gone flying!

woah, thats pretty high up..

is she on top of that tower?!?!

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

hokitika class camp!!!

 hokitika class camp!

The class camp this year couldn't be anything expensive but our teacher made it a lot of fun anyway!

We stayed at the Hokitika kiwi holiday park and did a bunch of awesome activitys like the Treetop walk,  the Hokitika gorge walk, the Hokitika industrial museam and even a FREE helicopter ride!! One of my favourites was the Camp Concert, where you can gather a group or by yourself perform a play, gymnastic routine, a magic trick, ANYTHING! (That doesen't cost a billion dollars on equipment.) my group chose to do a play and a few things went wrong, our "police" got locked outside the room we were performing in and once our teacher let them in one of our actors forgot their proof! but all dissapointment aside, it was really funny and i enjoyed it! here are some photos of our adventure

helicopter ride!

some fun at lake kaniere!

Treetop walk!

old Fire Engines!

Monday, May 10, 2021


Hi I am Skye, year 6, from Lake Brunner School. 

Today we did topic. the and my group (5-6) did person smart there was a few cups full of water and we had to get them from where they were to a tray a little bit away from them using only one hand and one foot. The answer is quite simple but I cant tell you because there are other groups yet to try it. Group 3-4 did a number smart one and used some resources provided to make a bridge that could hold a small toy truck, and groups 1-2 did art smart and took photos of water. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

back to school!

 Hello, I am Skye Whetter, year 6 from lake brunner school.

Today is the 2nd day of term 2! Great to be back at school. In the holidays, me and my family tramped the Paparoa range track! one of NZ's greatest walks we started in blackball and came out in Punakaiki. Then we had fish chips for and dinner! In the last weekend of holidays, we went up to help out at MT Cheeseman ski feild  to get ready for the season. We got to stay in the lodge, and at one point a bunch of para gliders jumped of a steep point of the road and flew away with their parachutes! it looked cool and we voted on our favourite one. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Te Kinga walk

 Hello. I am Skye, Year 6 from Lake Brunner School. On the 2nd to last week of Term 1, my class went on a trip to walk up to the 3rd lookout on Te Kinga here are some photos:

3rd lookout!

random photo of 2nd lookout (there wasn't much of a view just a seat)

whole class under a GIANT tree!

swimming in the lake after the walk


Monday, March 29, 2021

My favorite sentence of my fiction tsunami writing

Hi. I am Skye, year 6 from Lake Brunner School. about a week ago my class writ some story's about being in a tsunami none of us have really been in a tsunami so the story's are all fiction. this blog post is about what my favorite sentence out of me story is: 

"Suddenly there was a huge rumble and the ground lurched forward, sending Nic (my teacher) flying out of her "throne."

Monday, March 22, 2021

Top Team

 hi I'm Skye, year 6 from Lake Brunner School. sport is a fun way to get exercise and there are heaps of options to chose from, like: tennis, soccer, swimming etc... and you can do it as a team! today Top Team visited our school. Top Team is a bunch of fun activity's, here are some pictures of the fun!

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

 Hi I'm Skye, year 6 from Lake Brunner school. On the second week of term we decided to do a painting inspired form Rita Angus and Bob Ross. My teacher, Nic found a picture that the old mayor Tony Kokshorn took of Lake Brunner:

and with the whole class, we painted this:


first aid training

 Yesterday the class went on a few local walks to do some first aid training and to have some fun of course! we were split Into groups and t...